Become a Lender

Thank you for your interest in becoming an approved lender with the Home in Five Advantage program.

To become an approved Home in Five Advantage lender. you must first become a correspondent lender with Lakeview Loan Servicing, the master servicer for the program.

Depending on your status, please follow the steps below:

Become a Lakeview correspondent lender

To become a correspondent lender, please contact the Lakeview Client Services team at 855-253-8439, Option 4 or email and request to speak with a Lakeview Business Development Director.

Next steps for correspondent lenders

As an approved Lakeview correspondent lender, you will need to complete these three steps:

1) Complete and return the required documents to

2) Submit payment for the required program participation fee
of $2,000* (as referenced in the Lender Agreement).

*Please do not send payment until you are confirmed as a correspondent lender with Lakeview, sending payment as follows:

$1,000 check to:
Maricopa County IDA
Attn: Mary Misic, Administrator
8687 East Via de Ventura, Suite 306
Scottsdale, Arizona 85258


Please request the payment information for the $1,000 to be paid to Phoenix IDA (payment by ACH or wire is preferred) by contacting 

While waiting for the approval process to be completed, although not required, we “highly” recommend that Lenders go through lender training. Request training on the Lender Training page. The Lender Training page also has other training resources.